Custom Tree Gallery


Text: 603-583-6375

Contact thru Facebook @llcrystals.

The more I know the more personal a tree will be. Custom orders take anywhere from 7-14 days on average. 

 This Mermaid Tree was created for a woman who was in love with mermaid and very free spirited.


Sea Inspired Tree created as a graduation gift for a lovely young woman who was drawn to the beach and everything that goes with it. I chose Fluorite crystals to encourage calming energies for her to help thru her college years.

Bunny Tree for a sweet young girl who lost her dear pet rabbit. 

Dragonfly Rainbow Suncatcher

A Lovely friend of mine wanted a Transgender inspired Tree. I used the Transgender flag colors and set it on a piece of Chrysocolla. 


This Tree was for a couple who had lost their son. They gave me his dog tag and I sat with it for months before finally coming up with this design. This tree took me quite some time to create since it was so very sentimental. I refuse to make a custom piece as special as this without it being absolutely perfect. I used real dragonflies and a big piece of Zimbabwe Jasper.

4 Seasons inspired tree on a beautiful piece of Tree Agate


Rose Quartz Opalite and Amethyst 

Over 2,000 feet of wire in this tree!!!

This tree actually made its way to Zack Wilde from Black Label Society!


Surprise Mother's day gift created using the Mothers childrens birthstones and the baby tree is all her grand and great grand babies birthstones.

Created for a yoga studio, inspired by a prayer in "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz

This Tree was specially made for a friend who lost her husband of 60 years. I included her and her husband's birthstones and put the birthstone for their anniversary month in the middle. Set on the ultimate love stone...Rose Quartz. Pictured below is what I wrote up for them. Most custom trees come with one of these.